What is the Bulk Density layer

What is the Bulk Density Layer and How do I use it in FarmLab

Bulk density of soil is the mass of dry soil per unit volume, typically expressed in grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm³) or megagrams per cubic metre (Mg/m³). It is calculated by taking the dry mass of a soil sample and dividing it by the total volume of the sample, including both the solid particles and any pores or air spaces.

The data in FarmLab comes from the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia at 90m resolution. 

In agriculture, bulk density of soil is used as a measure of soil compaction, which can affect plant growth and yield. Soils with high bulk density can impede root growth and limit the amount of air and water that can penetrate the soil, which can negatively impact crop productivity.

Bulk density is also used as an indicator of soil health, as it can reflect changes in soil structure and organic matter content. Soils with high organic matter content generally have lower bulk densities due to the presence of pore spaces created by soil organisms and decomposing organic matter.

By measuring and monitoring the bulk density of soils, farmers and land managers can make informed decisions about soil management practices, such as tillage, compaction control, and organic matter management. For example, minimising soil disturbance through conservation tillage practices can help maintain soil structure and reduce bulk density, which can improve soil health and crop productivity.