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Submitting a Sample Plan to the Clean Energy Regulator

Many clients are now using FarmLab to submit their Carbon Project Sample Plans to the Clean Energy Regulator (CER). Here’s a quick guide on what they need to do.

  1. Generate the CEAs, Strata and exclusion areas. This can be done inside or outside FarmLab.

  2. Once generated, either screenshot the sample plan or export the plan into a PDF and add a description with the imagery that clearly outlines what boundaries are the CEAs, Strata, EAs and Emissions Accounting Areas (Project area) and the CRS used (must be GDA2020 or GDA94.

    1. As part of the submission to the regulator, ensure to specify:
      1. A phrase such as ‘<Client A> will generate a ‘seed number’ using the date-time stamp from the response email to this sample plan submission. It will then be input into the FarmLab Random Sample Point generator, which will convert the random numbers generated using this seed into a number of coordinates (sample points) across the boundaries provided. For a detailed explanation on the code used in the FarmLab random sample generator, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/util/Random.html’.
      2. More information on using random seed numbers can be found at https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/ERF/Pages/Forms%20and%20resources/Methods/Resources%20for%20agricultural%20methods/A%20guide%20to%20the%20estimating%20sequestration%20of%20carbon%20in%20soil%20using%20default%20values%20method/Establish-the-project-area.aspx 
  3. Submit the sample plan to the CER. The CER will provide an automatic response email, in addition to any other requirements about using the date/time stamp mentioned about as a seed number. For example, a client has told us the CER request that they add 1 hour to the date/time stamp on the response email to form the seed number.

  4. Using the date/time stamp on the response email (plus any additional requirements specified in the CER’s response email, like adding 1 hour), the client can now use this number in any format they wish (suggested is YYYYMMDDDHHMMSS) in the ‘seed’ field of the random sample generator in FarmLab: Untitled-1