Navigating the Farm Dashboard

The farm dashboard has been developed to help you transparently manage your operation within FarmLab. There are a few key terms you’ll need to know about:

  • Subscribed farms. These are farms that count towards your subscription. You can use these farms for processing data, drawing or adding boundaries and sharing with clients.

  • Unsubscribed farms. These are farms that do not contribute to your subscription. An 'Unsubscribed' farm will sit dormant against your subscription until marked 'Subscribed' again. 

  • Invited farms. These are farms owned by someone else, that you have been invited to. You can still run processing on these farms, depending on whether or not the farm is subscribed or unsubscribed.

  • Favourite. These are farms selected as 'main or priority' farms that are used regularly. They will sit at the top of the dashboard farm list.

When you first sign in to your FarmLab account you will be presented with a map of Australia and the view of your current farm holdings. 

On the left hand menu, users have the options to:

  • Dropdown and select the account desired to utilise. 
  • Create a New Farm that will site under the selected account.
  • Access all Account Farms listed.
  • Access Shared farms that users have been Invited too.
  • Access Favourite Farms
  • Navigate to the Sample Hub
  • Navigate to Analytics

When a user clicks on the farm name in the Account Farm menu, a farm status pop up will appear as shown below. This will give users a snapshot of the following:

  • Sample Status. This previews the farms point status, informing on Complete, Planned, Unsubmitted, Mailed, Testing in Progress, and Proposed point status.
  • Open. Option to continue on to the farm.
  • Favourite. Detailed above.
  • Settings. Users can navigate to Farm Details where edits can be made, users can be added, and notes/documents can be stored.
  • Unsubscribe and Subscribe farm action enabled.