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How to import points and samples collected externally from FarmLab to be used in the Clean Energy Regulator Calculator in FarmLab

Please follow the below instructions to import points and samples to be used in the Australian Clean Energy Regulator Calculator in FarmLab.

If you have soil test results for a soil carbon project collected and processed externally from FarmLab, you can import them into FarmLab using the following process. They will then be able to be used in the CER calcs.

  1. Download and complete ‘Points 2021’ template.
    Points Template Instructions

    Clear contents of all provided example data and add in your information. Do not delete or rearrange any of the column headers. If you do not have information for a specific column, just leave the row blank, don’t remove, or delete the column. Once completed, save as a csv.

    As a minimum, add information for field code, lat + long information, soil core diameter, push depth and sample length. Please note, all metadata information is required in cm.

    See the Glossary at the bottom of the page for header definitions.

  2. To upload the points template into FarmLab, follow these steps below:

  3. Navigate to your farm in FarmLab
  4. Select the point menu
  5. Select +
  6. Select import sample points
  7. Choose your points template
  8. Your points will now be uploaded.
  9. Download and complete the samples 2021 template with your results.

    Sample Template Instructions

    Clear contents of all provided example data and add in your sample and result information. Do not delete or rearrange any of the column headers. If you do not have information for a specific column, just leave the row blank, don’t remove, or delete the column. Once completed. Recommended to use date format dd-mm-yyyy. Save as csv. 

  10.  Navigate to the results tab. Select import historic samples.
  11. Select Upload CER results.
  12. Select your sample result csv. 
  13. Your results will now be able to be used in the CER calculations. 


Points Template

Sample Result Template


Point Template Definitions:

Field code= point name

CRS= coordinate reference system

Rid = remote identifier

CEA= carbon estimation area

Sample Template Definitions:

Sample ID = The sample identifier. This should contain the point’s Remote ID in the format: <RemoteID>-<LayerID>

e.g. Sample ID of OCT001-L1 is read as RemoteID: OCT001, LayerID: L1

 Barcode = The external lab barcode of the sample 

Name= Name of the point to be used in FarmLab.