Is my mobile phone's GPS accurate enough for soil sampling?

FarmLab mobile app uses GPS/GNSS for accuracy, typically 5-10m. FarmLab-accredited samplers ensure precise location recording for auditing.

When sampling with the FarmLab mobile app on an Android or Apple device, you will be using the native GPS or GNSS hardware for your location accuracy, unless you have integrated your device directly from a GPS/GNSS receiver. The accuracy of these devices is usually 5-10m, depending on the device and the location it's used. For more information about GPS accuracy visit:

When using FarmLab, the accuracy is shown in the top right hand corner of the navigation screen, as per the below screenshot:

MicrosoftTeams-image (26)

FarmLab-accredited samplers will employ appropriate GNSS and GPS hardware for accurate navigation and recording of sample locations, suited to the specific job.

Some samplers may choose to integrate their GPS receivers directly with FarmLab on an Android mobile device and use this to update the 'actual point location' in the mobile app. The accuracy is stored in the FarmLab database for future auditing purposes and can be seen in the below screenshot as the 'centerAccuracy' in the database.