Getting started with FarmLab - the basics

These are the main steps to get you up and running on FarmLab. For more information, watch the tutorial below.

  • Create a Farm: When your account is created, you are given access to a new farm. This is the container for all paddocks, zones and sample information.
  • Create a Paddock: Once you have identified the location of your farm, you can either draw a single paddock or load a shape or KML file using the ‘+’ button.
  • Set up paddock data: After you create a paddock, you can enter a name and select the calendar month in which the crop is at peak biomass. We use this to filter the date range when selecting NDVI imagery at the next step.
  • Run a farm survey: The farm survey will gather all publicly available datasets and process it. These datasets can be used in the next step to create soil management zones.
  • Stratify the farm: To create zones, you are given the option to zone the entire farm or individual paddocks (as outlined above). You may select the number of zones and how many samples to take across each zone. You can also change the weighting applied to each dataset.