Creating Sample Plans in FarmLab

Want to create a grid-based or randomised sample plan? Follow these steps...

Follow these steps to generate a sample plan using our software:

Step 1: Select Boundaries

  • Navigate to the Boundary Menu.
  • Choose the boundaries for which you want to create a sample plan.

Step 2: Generate Sample Plan

  • Go to the Processing Menu.
  • Select Generate Sample Plan.

Step 3: Sample Plan Screen

  • You will be directed to the Sample Plan screen.
  • Choose to generate sample locations either randomly or based on a grid.

Step 4: Generate Random Points

  • Enter the number of points you wish to generate.
  • Specify the number of reserve points.
  • Optionally, enter a starting seed number (required for some regulated carbon offset projects). If omitted, a pseudo-random seed will be chosen for you.
  • Enter the sample depth(s). You can generate up to 300 random sample points at once.

Step 5: Generate Grid Points

  • Select the grid size.
  • Enter the sample depths for each grid point.
  • Rotate the grid by selecting the top right corner point.
  • Move the grid by clicking and dragging the center point.

Step 6: Create Points

  • Once ready, select Generate Points.
  • You will be returned to the Point Menu where your generated points will be displayed.